Creation of a legal entity representing the Caribbean Centre of Excellence on Geothermal Energy

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titre contexte

Geothermal energy is key to achieving  Guadeloupe’s goal of energy autonomy by 2030, in accordance with the Energy Transition & Green Growth Act (TECV) as set out in the country’s Energy Roadmap .
 Unique in the Caribbean, the groundbreaking Geothermal plant in operation in the town of Bouillante, in Guadeloupe, generates electricity by tapping subsoil fluid  at more than 250°C: a source of inspiration for all volcanic islands. Hence the need to organise the geothermal energy sector and manage its influence as a matter of priority for the Guadeloupe region.


At the instigation of the Regional Council of Guadeloupe, a joint effort between ADEME, OECS and BRGM is underway to create the CECG, a Caribbean Centre of Excellence on Geothermal Energy, based in Guadeloupe, that will help build a vision for the region.   

The creation of this Caribbean Centre of Excellence on Geothermal Energy (CECG) will be completed in two key stages:

  • Definition of a suitable legal framework for the CECG – task led by the Regional Council of Guadeloupe,
  • Prefiguration of the activities and functioning of the CECG – task led by ADEME
image contexte
la Centrale géothermique an activité dans la ville de Bouillante, en Guadeloupe,
Number of Caribbean Centre of Excellence on Geothermal Energy
titre objet
Purpose of the task
Objet de l’intervention

The task at hand consists at this stage in  defining a suitable legal framework for the CECG.

The first step is to identify the various forms of potentially suitable legal frameworks for the CECG. Secondly, terms and conditions will need to be determined for public service contracts to be signed with the pre-existing partners. The procedures to be followed for the creation of the chosen structure will be clearly defined in full detail. 

titre méthodologies
Task procedures
Méthodologies de l’intervention

The task will be executed in  6 stages, as follows:

Phase 1. Review of CECG documentation

  • The purpose of this first step is to provide a clear summary of all actions executed and documents produced to date since the start of the work.

Phase 2. Determination of the legal framework

  • The legal framework will be chosen on the basis of:
  • A benchmark report to be drawn up on similar entities,
  • A comparative chart detailing all potential partnership structures. 
  • The chosen legal vector will be presented in all its forms along with full details of its terms and conditions of creation, operation, governance, management, and eligibility for aid through tax measures and funding (public and private). 
  • Articles of association will be drafted for the structure and submitted to the identified stakeholders for amendment.

Phase 3. Definition of the terms and conditions of the public service contracts with pre-determined partners 

  • Determination of the most suitable form of public service contract for each pre-identified partner.

Phase 4. Definition of scenarios for the formation of a technical team to prefigure the CECG

  • Drafting of a summary of the recruitment methods to be considered (private contracts, employee placements, extended leave, detachment, etc.) This summary will also include an assessment of the qualifications of the employees concerned (public or private sector) and the potential effects on the structure’s functioning.

Phase 5. Review of financial support for the CECG by regional authorities 

  • Identification, on behalf of the Regional Council of Guadeloupe, of all potential funding sources available to assist with the CECG’s creation.     

Phase 6. Guidelines for the first meeting for the formation and creation of the CECG

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